World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day -8th May
Written by Dr Ayub MachariaThe day is marked every 8th May. The day marks the birth of Henry Dunart the founder of the Red Cross movement. You can learn more about the history of the day from ..
The day is marked every 8th May. The day marks the birth of Henry Dunart the founder of the Red Cross movement. You can learn more about the history of the day from ..
The day was recognized on 9th May 1914 by United States of America’s President Woodrow Wilson. In 1915, it was proclaimed a national holiday Mothers ..
The day came about after complaints of intimidation of and harassment to African publishers and journalists were raised at a UNESCO conference held in Namibia ..
The day was declared a workers day in 1899 by the international socialist congress meeting in Paris France. It was first observed in Kenya in 1958 and is currently ..