
World AIDS Day

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

The World Aids Day is marked every 1st December. There are over 41million people living with HIV / AIDS globally. In Kenya, about 2.2 million adults and 106,000 children under the age of five were infected with the HIV. Over 700 people were reported to die daily because of AIDS and most of these were aged between 15-49 years .

AIDS is a major problem affecting our society. Nobody knows who it will strike next and no one is completely protected from it. Patients suffer illness, many children are orphaned, the country loses manpower and the economy deteriorates. Kenya loses close to kshs . 210 million daily from AIDS related cases. The patients often suffer rejection by society. AIDS patients need support physically, emotional, financially and spiritual. They should not be treated as outcasts. World AIDS day is dedicated to raising awareness about the disease and empathy for its sufferers. People are encouraged to consider the sufferers , care for them and the members of the afflicted families. It’s also an opportunity for the community to learn more   about AIDS in order to prevent further spread of the disease.

Suggested activities

  • Look for a volunteer who has AIDS to share real experience about the disease with students and members of the community.
  • Discuss strategies on how to address the AIDS problem locally .
  • Organize drama, sports, songs, dances, poems and posters to publicize the AIDS problem
  • Initiate project to improve livelihood for those infected as well as those affected by the HIV /AIDS menace.
  • Write an essay or summary notes on how you celebrated the world AIDS day. Publicize your success on this blog.

    For further Information, contact:

    Ministry of Health (

    National AIDS Control Council (

    Local Health Centres

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