
Mothers day is this Sunday – Celebrate mother nature also

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

Happy Mothers day2
The day was recognized on 9th May 1914 by United States of America’s President Woodrow Wilson. In 1915, it was proclaimed a national holiday
Mothers day is celebrated on diverse dates in different countries. British Mothers Day is marked in the month of March while the second Sunday in May is the American Mothers Day. In 2014, British Mothers day was marked on March 30th
A mother’s love is not comparable to anything. The bond between the mother and the child begins in the mother’s womb. Burdens of caring for families lie on mothers.
In most developing countries, mothers fetch water and firewood, till the land, harvest crop, milk the cattle, cook for the family and shape the future of their children. Values such as trust, faith, love, compassion, generosity, self esteem and confidence are inculcated in children by their mothers who in most case are the first teachers of the child. Many homes are headed by women. Women produce 70% of the food in Africa.
People usually wear carnation flowers in honour of their mothers during Mothers Day. Coloured carnations symbolize that the mother is alive while white carnation means the mothers is dead.
To appreciate your mother, you may consider many green activities such as buying her eco-friendly flowers, making donations, taking her out, buying her consumables, buying her recycled jewelery. You can read more from this link and
Some suggestions of gifts you could give your mother are given on this link
Suggested activities

  • Look for a natural carnation flower to wear during this day
  • Plan a surprise gift for your mother or a way to make her happy
  • Schools and religious places of worship can invite mothers to be entertained by the children with songs, poems and drama
  • Spend a day outdoors with your mother perhaps in the natural environment such as in a botanic garden, national park, in a forested area.
  • Plant a tree with your mother to mark the day
  • Take a photo of yourself and your mother and send it to your friends
  • Write an essay or summary notes on how you celebrated the Mothers day. Publicise your success on this blog.

Useful links

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Symbolic Dates

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