
Christmas day – Environmentally

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

Baby in manger
This is a crucial day in the Christian calendar celebrated every 25th December that symbolizes the birth of Jesus Christ. It’s time of merry making for most people regardless of their religious affiliation. People exchange cards, families come together, those who live in towns travel upcountry and visit friends and parents. Love, togetherness and fun ‘fills the air’
It is important to reflect about the future generation who are being born just like the new child “Jesus Christ “ The birth of Jesus Christ had many environmental lessons such as the shepherds at night , the guiding star, the gifts, lying on the manger, etc. Our natural environment is currently degraded and may not provide a healthy environment for a newborn child like it did for Jesus. The environment should be restored for the future generations to enjoy.
Suggested activities

  • Take a walk around where you live. Suggest reasons why you think the environment could be unsafe for a newborn child?
  • What can you do as an individual or family to restore the environment to be healthy?
  • Make a Christmas tree and decorate it with flowers from the environment. Plant other trees and flowers to replace the ones you have used.
  • Child Jesus was given many gifts that night by wise men from the East (Read Mathew 2:11) Make this a night to exchange gifts with one another within the family. Everybody should explain why he/she chose that gift  for the occasion. Find out how many gifts from the natural environment were exchanged .
  • Attend a church service/mass to mark Christmas day .
  • Write an essay on how you cerebrated Christmas day and publicize your success on this blog.
    For further Information , contact:

National council of churches of Kenya
The local church leaders

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