
International literacy Day

Written by
Dr Ayub Macharia

The date is marked every 8th September. It was set aside in 1965 by the United Nations at a meeting on education held in Tehran, Iran. The aim was to focus world attention on illiteracy. The year 2003-2012 was declared as the United Nations Literacy Decade: Education for all. Literacy (the ability to read and write ) is a basic human right by all people today. It is estimated that about 1billion people worldwide are illiterate of which 4 million are in Kenya. Eradication of ignorance and illiteracy is one of the key objectives of the Kenya government since independence.

Besides academic literacy many people are environmentally illiterate There is need for more awareness campaigns on basic concept of environment conservation.

Suggested activities

  • Identify the libraries in your local area and visit them. Explore the types of reading materials present. What reading   materials are there especially on environment? Read materials about caring for the environment.
  • Initiate a literacy club to develop reading materials for the school and the community. Participate in compiling more information about the local environment.
  • Discuss how more information can reach the community.
  • Develop a resource center to promote environmental literacy within your local area.
  • Initiate environmental literacy activities such as developing simple posters to explain local environmental issues, explain linkages between clean environment and good health, trees and the greenhouse effect, trees and rain etc.
  • Compose songs, poems and dances on the environment.
  • Write an essay or summary notes on how you celebrated the international literacy day. Publicize your success on this blog.

For further Information, contact :


Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (

Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Services (

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