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Non-Monetary benefits from access to biodiversity

Non-Monetary benefits from access to genetic resources

a. Sharing of research and development results;
b. Collaboration, co-operation and contribution in scientific research and development programmes, particularly biotechnological research activities;
c. Participation in product development;
d. Admittance to ex situ facilities of genetic resources and to databases by participating institutions;
e. Transfer of knowledge and technology on genetic resources arising from research in a fair and most favorable terms
f. Strengthening capacities for technology transfer to Kenya at institutional and expert level and provision of material resources,
g. Access to scientific information relevant to conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, including biological inventories and taxonomic studies;
h. Institutional and professional relationships that can arise from access and benefit sharing agreements and subsequent collaborative activities;
i. Joint ownership of relevant intellectual property rights.


    What non-monetary benefits would your local community gain from access to genetic resources within your locality?