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Enforcement of EMCA 1999

How NEMA enforces the Environmental Management and Coordination Act Cap 387

a) Issuance of various licences with conditions to be fulfilled
b) Inspection and monitoring to determine compliance status of the regulated community and to detect and respond to violations
c) Negotiations with the various violators or facility managers to develop mutually agreeable schedules and approaches for achieving compliance
d) Awareness creation to sensitize regulated community on the compliance requirements to be met
e) Taking legal action where necessary to compel compliance
f) Compliance promotion among the regulated community through educational programmes, technical assistance and incentives, among others


    Kipingo is a factory that processes mangoes into juice, syrup and other products. The factory employs many local people. It discharges waste water that is not within the standard limits set by EMCA 1999. Compliance with the law would require changes in technology that can only be done over a number of years.

    How would NEMA ensure that Kipingo factory is compliant with EMCA 1999?