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Instruments used in wetlands conservation

Instruments used in wetlands conservation

1. Environmental management plan for a lake, river, wetland or coastal area, taking into account the relevant sectoral interest;
2. Measures for the prevention or control of coastal erosion;
3. Plans for conservation of mangrove and coral reef ecosystems;
4. Plans for the harvesting of minerals within the coastal zone, including strategies for the restoration of mineral sites;
5. Contingency plans for the prevention and control of all deliberate and accidental discharge of pollutions into the sea, lakes or rivers;
6. Plans for the protection of wetlands;
7. The regulation of harvesting of aquatic living and non-living resources to ensure optimum sustainable yield;
8. Special guidelines for access to and exploitation of living and non-living resources in the continental shelf, territorial sea and the Exclusive Economic Zone;
9. Plans for promotion of environmentally friendly tourism; and
10. Plans for management of biological resources.


    What instruments are used in conservation of wetlands within your locality?