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Prohibited activities in wetlands

Prohibited activities in wetlands

Activities prohibited in wetlands without written authorization by NEMA after undertaking EIA includes

a) erect, reconstruct, place, alter, extend, remove or demolish any structure or part of any structure in, or under the river, lake, sea or wetland;
b) excavate, drill, tunnel or disturb the river, lake, sea or wetland;
c) introduce any animal, whether alien or indigenous, dead or alive, in any river, lake, sea or wetland;
d) introduce or plant any part of a plant specimen, whether alien or indigenous, dead or alive, in any river, lake, sea or wetland;
e) deposit any substance in a lake, river or wetland or in, on or under its bed, if that substance would or is likely to have adverse environmental effects on the river, lake, sea or wetland;
f) direct or block any river, lake, sea or wetland from its natural and normal course;
g) drain any lake, river, sea or wetland; or
h) any other matter prescribed by the Cabinet Secretary on the advice of the Authority.


    1. Which prohibited activities are prevalent in wetlands within your locality?